How To Turn Your Vulnerabilities Into Your Super Powers 
  • Are you working really hard yet still feel like you are getting nowhere year after year?
  • ​Are fear and uncertainty holding you back from making the changes you really want to see in your life?
  • ​Are you ready to finally get off the hamster wheel and experience life-changing transformation?
You deserve to be happier, healthier, and in more control of your life... and with Transform U Online, I'm going to show you how to make it happen in 2022!


From Homelessness to Heartfelt Industry Leader

Stephen’s heart and mission is to go back and serve the person he used to be by providing the same mentorship, strategies, and techniques that he was taught to help you BREAKTHROUGH your limitations and exceed your expectations.

This is why he assembled many of his world-class thought leaders, friends and merged a deeply interactive experience with a transformational framework that he discovered after over 43 years of setbacks, heartaches, and successes to take the sting out of life and the fear out of just getting started.
Copyright © Stephen Scoggins & The Journey Principles Institute. All Rights Reserved. 
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